Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When Did We Become the Stable Ones?

Do you ever sit back and watch what's happening around you and just shake your head? I don't mean shake your head because you're disappointed in all that is happening around you but because suddenly it seems that you are an adult and you don't know when the fuck that happened. The last few days have been weird. In a couple of my last posts I've talked about some of the difficulties I've had with my friendships in the last year or so. Wow. It has been enough to make my head spin. So last night, we have family therapy because I've decided in all of this we're going to get all healthy and zen and shit. My son, in typical teenage fashion, decides he is just not going to participate. *eye roll* So there I sit talking about how we need to formulate some kind of better communication in our family, my husband is telling the therapist how he tells things like it is and that there's nothing worse then me being disrespected and here sits my son with his beanie pulled over his eyes. Sometimes, being the mother of a teenager is like wrestling an alligator while covered in chicken. He came up with every excuse under the sun as to why he wasn't participating. I think there was truth to one (he had a headache) yet I think the whole thing was he was uncomfortable. Well yeah, airing your shit out is uncomfortable. Do you think I like telling everyone I am half crazy and can't keep my shit together? No but apparently, that's what we do these days to get healthy. Who knows. So fast forward, after therapy I see I have two missed calls and a text from the best friend I talked about who was like my sister. The text says, "Please call me. I need to talk." A million scenarios run through my head. Did one of the kids get hurt? Did she decide she is leaving her husband again? Why is she calling me repeatedly? Has she decided maybe I was right and she wants to apologize and send me on a trip to Mexico to right the wrongs? I don't I call her. First words out of my mouth are, "Are you okay?" Who knew, I am not a complete asshole!?! Guess she isn't. She hates her life right now. She chose me to talk to about it. I didn't know to feel. We're not really there. There is so much hurt and...and...and...I don't know what to call it that I almost felt weird talking to her about it. This is something you talk to your best friend about. Yet, I did my best to offer a listening ear and words of encouragement all the while going, "WHAT THE FUCK!?" in my brain. Update on best friend number two, he text me yesterday to let me know he was getting married to The Creature next month. I feel pretty numb about it. I don't even know what to write. I want to feel happy for him because that's what a friend does but I know that them being together means the total end of our friendship. So, it's hard not to be a little heartbroken. I've watched what they've went through and I am still not convinced it is what is best for them but I just wish him the best and try to keep the last 27 years in happy memories. Yesterday was a day of weird friend moments, a lady we use to hang out with and sometimes party with we had heard got divorced (after like 20 years.) So, my husband gets a Facebook message from her to call her at this number because there is no room at the shelters and just a bunch of weird we haven't talked in like 8 years or something. He calls her because he's a good guy like that and would never let anybody be put out. Some random dude answers the phone and starts razzing him about calling his number and why he's trying to contact her and such. She finally gets on the phone and was like, "Thank God you called! I can't talk to you here. I'll get back to you with another number..." And he's heard nothing else. He relays this story to me and all I can think is they had this perfect life and we were struggling just to feed our son. How does life change like that and when the fuck did we become the stable ones?

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